The End

Due to lack of motivation, shortage of time, impossibilities in internal logistics and frustration towards certain parts of the music industry, Kuolemanlaakso has entered the astral plain of existence. All our musical activities have come to a halt for the unforeseeable future.

We’ve always reached for the stars and done beyond our best for our music. We’re proud of everything we’ve created, released and artistically accomplished. It blows our minds and melts our icy hearts to know how deeply our music has touched so many of you. For that and the continuous support we are enormously grateful.

However, the reality is that Kuolemanlaakso is a group of five busy individuals, who are scattered across Finland. Place your pins on Kuopio, Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta and Sammatti to get a view. It is practically impossible for us to rehearse, work face-to-face and, most important of all, evolve as an artistic entity.

Being in a band is not about WhatsApp groups, Dropboxes and mp3s. It’s about getting together, connecting, jamming, creating and functioning as a unit.

Our artistical connection has always been off the charts in the studio, but we always wanted to tour more extensively than we did. As our logistics are horrible and travelling expenses high, it never made sense for us to play a show here and a show there – especially since it’s so difficult rehearse in the first place. Unfortunately, and against our wishes and will, that was exactly what we got, time after time. We never played a proper tour in our 11 years of performing existence, even though our albums charted high and sold surprisingly well.

As promises transform into hollow words and enthusiasm is repeatedly shattered, it breeds anger, frustration, and bitterness. When your passion, even if it’s the culmination of your life’s work, consumes you more than it gives in return, it’s time to move on and do something else.

Therefore, Kuolemanlaakso will continue as a boozing society of grumpy old geezers, who get together every once in a while, mutter about the absurdities in life and glare at the passer-by suspiciously. After all, our tripel beer is fittingly named Katkeruuden malja – “The Chalice of Bitterness.”

On the plus side, music is eternal. Keep the flame alive by listening to our records and shopping our merch. Perhaps one day we’ll meet again.

Until the dead walk the Earth, ta-ta.

Doom or doom not (there is no try),
Kotamäki, Laakso, Usva, Tiera & Kouta

P.S. The Kuolemanlaakso members will continue their artistic journeys in these forms, which you are more than welcome to follow:
Swallow the Sun (Kotamäki), death doom
The Ghoulstars (Laakso & Tiera), horror punk meets extreme metal
Rootbrain (Usva & Tiera), black grunge (Kouta), photography

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