Kuolemanlaakso to Perform at December Doom Vol. 2 in Vernissa, Vantaa

Kuolemanlaakso will finally end its long live show hiatus. The band will be performing at December Doom Vol. 2, Vernissa, Vantaa, alongside with October TideThroes of Dawn, and others. Advance tickets are available at Liveto (15 € + handling).

We’ve been inactive since New Year’s Eve, 2016, so, as one can imagine, we’re hungry, ready and willing to hit the stage again. We never intended the pause to last this long, but hey, we’re a doom band; what’s the rush? December Doom marks our first ever show in Vantaa, the birthplace of Usva (bass) and I, and we’re looking forward to playing at the legendary Vernissa with a killer lineup. It will be a night to remember,” promises guitarist Laakso.

October Tide
(special “Rain Without End” show)
Throes of Dawn
 (special “Quicksilver Clouds” show)
+ tba

Join the Facebook event for additional information and discussion here.

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